Where to start. Hm. Well, we met at Rose Park Middle, back in '91. You were a computer nerd and I was a bookworm. It just clicked. Hours and hours on the phone each day after school. You thought my Apple ii GS was coolies hehe. Remember the Goldfinger Files? Jeez, we were dorks!
Our wedding day was September 11, 2001, and apart from the births of our two children, it was the best day of my life. We were one of only two couples married at the courthouse that day. Said our vows as Doogie and Beatrice, 20 years old and not knowing ANYTHING about life. It might've been a hasty decision. It certainly backfired for us in the long run. But I'll always see it as a pure and decent moment in my life. A very positive experience.
The best memories are yet to come. That's what's really sad. Everything new that Kee or Jacinda do or learn, you won't be there to see. You won't be at their High School graduations, or walk our daughter down the aisle. You'll never play with our grandkids. We will never be on good terms again. That will haunt me for the rest of my life, things ending so badly back in January.
I loved you from the age of 10 to this day. We were just oil and water, two bulls knocking horns over every single stupid thing. I just hope you're happy wherever you're at. That's what matters at the end of every story.
So many good times. Which one should I recall? We went one day to a park in Franklin after work. We stared up at the sky and picked out the different shapes the clouds made in the sky. Just laying there. Then looking at the stars. We talked and talked until like 11. I'll miss talking to you. I'm glad we started talking again. I'll see you again I'm sure.
There's so much to say about Matt. So I will start off with this memory. One night we were at his Mom's house just chillin. He was playin with his computer.....like usual and I was playin GTA Vice City on XBOX. As I was playin I just stopped....started bustin out laughin for several minutes. He just kept lookin at me wonderin what the hell I was laughin about. I said "Dude I just thought of a totally awesome nick name for you." He said "Whats that?" I told him "Matt The Medieval Bucket Thrower!" He said in return......"Ummm ok what brought this on?" I just thought it was an awesome name and later told him when we go out places I will walk in and introduce him (screaming) "YE BUCKET THROWA" and start throwing KFC buckets at everyone!!! I know it sounds stupid but we kept this going on for several years. He worked with me for a brief time at Sprintz. One day I was leaving to go home. Walked out to my truck and what do I see??? A KFC bucket hanging off of my radio antenna with his handwriting on the side saying "YE BUCKET THROWA!!!" I laughed for hours. I have plenty more memories of my best friend and they will soon come in time. I will miss him and I hope he know's I love him.....Thanks for your time and attention!
I remember the many days that me, you, Colin, and Casey would stay w/ big granny and sleep on her feather bed and she would make us her famous sweet tea and breakfast. I also remember the times that we used to get in trouble in the creek next to big granny's houses and we would hear little granny yellin out the window at all of us "cousins." I'll miss you matt and I never thought that you would be gone this soon. I love you and will always remember the good times that we had!!